My previous blog about exam tips was quite well-received. I think that while you enjoy learning about soft skills and theory, sometimes practical advice might come in handy as well. …
Blog 53: Pigeonhole Principle by Xavier Lo, FIA, FRM, MBA
I keep saying that the perfect actuary is one who is great with numbers, but even better in soft skills and overall knowledge. However, its always good to remind ourselves …
Blog 52: Interview with a European Actuary by Xavier Lo, FIA, FRM, MBA
It’s the 52nd blog, which means its been a year since I’ve started blogging! To remember this special day, I’ve decided to let you guys take a break from theory …
Blog 51: Mandela Effect by Xavier Lo, FIA, FRM, MBA
Quick experiment! Without looking any of these up, for those of you who have played or watched Pokémon [寵物小精靈], try to picture Pikachu’s [比卡超] tail in your minds in terms …
Blog 50: Luddite Movement by Xavier Lo, FIA, FRM, MBA
A bit of a history [歷史] lesson today. Have you heard of the Luddite movement? Perhaps not, but I’m pretty sure you would know people who are joining the Luddite …
Blog 49: Counterfactual Thinking by Xavier Lo, FIA, FRM, MBA
Still on the theme of Olympics [奧運] this week, and another philosophical topic for all of you guys to think about. Have you ever noticed that some bronze medallists are …
Blog 48: Equity VS Equality by Xavier Lo, FIA, FRM, MBA
Has everyone been following the Olympic games [奧運會]? Sometimes you can tell which sport [運動] some athlete [運動員] plays just by their body shape. This got me thinking about Equity [公平] versus Equality …
Blog 47: Positional Goods by Xavier Lo, FIA, FRM, MBA
Remember the blog recently on the diamond and water paradox? Somewhat related to that is Positional Goods [位置性產品], which is the topic of today. Usually when you think about how …
Blog 46: Exam Tips – part 1 by Xavier Lo, FIA, FRM, MBA
No theory this week! It’s the Summer [夏天] now, and a lot of students may be using these last few weeks to really study as hard as they can before …
Blog 45: Samaritan’s Dilemma by Xavier Lo, FIA, FRM, MBA
Everyone’s probably heard of the Good Samaritan [撒瑪利亞人]. However, think about the person on the receiving end. If that person keeps on getting help and knows that help will always …
Blog 44: Diamond and Water Paradox by Xavier Lo, FIA, FRM, MBA
Have you ever thought about how certain things are priced [定價] in your everyday life? Could it be linked to the amount of value [價值] that it brings to you? …
Blog 43: Simpson’s Paradox by Xavier Lo, FIA, FRM, MBA
A bit more technical this week I’m afraid. We are looking at the Simpson’s Paradox [辛普森悖論]. Some of you may have encountered some examples of this in real life. The …
Blog 42: Overfitting by Xavier Lo, FIA, FRM, MBA
Correlation [相關性] and relationships between factors is always something we look for as actuaries. This allows us to predict future outcomes more easily. How do we determine these relationships? Just …
Blog 41: Correlation and Causation by Xavier Lo, FIA, FRM, MBA
I think most of you would have heard of correlation [相關性] versus causation [因果關係]. The idea here is that just because two things are correlated (in other words, when one …
Blog 40: Zero Sum Fallacy by Xavier Lo, FIA, FRM, MBA
Think about the last time you had a bet [賭注] with someone. Or maybe a time when you accidentally paid too much in a shop. In both cases, you can …