“All of life is the management of risk, not its elimination” -Warren Buffet As risk is an indispensable part of any business undertaking, it transpires that risk management is also …
Defining Microinsurance | An untapped market
IRDA micro-insurance Regulations, 2005 defines microinsurance as a general or life insurance policy with a sum assured of Rs 50,000 or less. In other words, micro-insurance aims to provide financial …
Telematics is the combination of words, “telecommunications” & “informatics” . When this term is used in Insurance, it is called “Telematics Insurance”. Telematics in insurance works by fitting your car with …
Climate Change: An Actuarial Perspective (Part 2)
This is continuation of the climate change: An Actuarial Perspective article. To read the first part kindly click on the link. In this article, we will get to know about …
Climate change: An Actuarial Perspective
Climate change is the global phenomenon of climate transformation resulting in large scale implications in our weather pattern. Melting of glaciers, rise in sea level, insect outbreaks, wildfires, experiencing monsoons …
Group of Actuaries and Investment Officers to study index-linked products in India
The group will examine the need for index-linked products in India with reference to availability of various indexes and how it will better serve the needs and interests of customers relative to traditional savings products.
IFoA’s Actuarial Introductory Guide to Programming on Github
One of the Research working parties for IFoA, Programming for Actuarial work has launched a manual using Github. The party is headed by Georgios Bakoloukas. It is believed that the …
Interviewing Tanvi Doshi- Actuary at just age of 23
In our series to interview actuarial professionals with varied achievements, this time we got a chance to bring onboard Miss Tanvi Doshi, who has managed to clear all her exams …
COVID – 19 Response Group : ICAT, IFoA
ICAT, IFoA: COVID 19 has affected us in all the ways that we couldn’t even imagine. With the global activities coming to a halt altogether due to the pandemic, it …
Role of Actuaries in Life Insurance Sector
What is the role of Actuaries in Life Insurance domain? This is a question that every Actuarial aspirant tries to find an answer to, before applying to Life Insurance Actuarial …
Plagiarism, September 2020 IFOA Actuarial Exams, and Optimism
IFOA has announced online exams in September 2020 with a change in pattern in almost every exam. The introduction of open book and plagiarism has created a lot of panic …
A guide to CB2 : Business Economics (IFoA)
The older subject CT7 (Business Economics) has been transferred to CB2 (Business Economics) subject under the new curriculum of IFoA and IAI (after 2019). It is an exam that gives …
Where coding can be applied in Actuarial?
The actuarial profession is evolving as we speak, not only in terms of business volumes but also in terms of product innovations. In actuarial terms, the exponential rise in the …
Loop Control Statements in Python
Loops in Python are used to execute a block of code iteratively for a number of times or until the list is exhaustive. But sometimes, in this form of execution, …
Open Book Exams (IFoA) – Actuarial Science FAQs
As we all know that IFoA has announced that all the Actuarial exams will be delivered online for the September 2020 session, there is a wave of confusion amongst the …