The R- statistical software is going to be an integral part of the Actuarial profession in the days to come and all actuarial professionals to carry a flavor of it, irrespective of their levels of membership. Student members who are in their different levels of advancement of examinations may have to integrate the knowledge and practice of using R in the near future. The IAI understands the need of the market as well as the requirements of the profession, hence planned a series of training programs of R; the first level training has been already done in Mumbai on dates in two batches on dates 1st-2nd & 15th -16th December, 2017.
In order to meet the increasing demands from students from NCR to arrange similar training program conducted at Mumbai, we repeat the two day training “R-for beginners” now at Gurugram as well. Though the training target to accommodate all interested members of IAI in the region, we have limitation to accommodate maximum of 45 members only at this stage. There are no plans for a second batch.
- Dates : Saturday, 27th January to , Sunday, 28th January 2018 (2 days)
- Venue : Conference Hall, The Pllazio Hotel, Plot No. 292-296, Sector-29, City Centre, Gurgaon 122001
- Timings : 9.30 AM Sharp – 6.00 PM on both dates
- Registration fee : Rupees Two thousand five hundred plus GST (`2,500.00 plus GST) as applicable.
- Coverages�:
- What is R? Why R for us?
- Description and installation of R GUI and its IDEs.
- Packages – meaning, inbuilt, installing & loading more
- Environments in R, Arithmetic in R
- Import and export – various files types(citation needed to finalise list of types such as .csv)
- Help features and functions from packages
- Data and its edition – vector, matrices, data frames, lists, arrays and under them numeric, character, factor, missing cells.
- Graphics – plot(inbuilt function) and ggplot2 package
- Probability and Mathematical statistics (prior knowledge assumed) in R
- Conditional statements – do. call, if else
- R loops(also used to make own function) – for, while, repeat
- R loops – apply family
Understanding of R helps in understanding similar software like SAS, SPSS etc. Moreover, you learn a new skill which is definitely helpful for your CV. Such programs also provide you a completion certificate.
Registration will be open on 21st December, 2017 6.00PM. Please login to the IAI page to find registration menu under “Class Room Coaching”. According to the IAI documentation, seats are limited to 45 students only and registration would be given on a first come-first served basis.
Source: actuariesindia.org