The role of an actuary has been identified as the fourth most misunderstood job in the UK as revealed by LinkedIn.
LinkedIn said the ranking was based on the percentage of people who were not confident in describing a range of careers correctly, with 68% respondents citing the actuarial profession among them.
IFoA’s president Fiona Morrison said: “We often describe ourselves as experts in long term financial risk, using our mathematical skills to calculate the risk and probability of future events. We also take complex information and communicate it to the lay person in a way they’ll understand. This combination of risk calculations and communication of results is at the heart of what actuaries do.”
To explain what actuaries do, the IFoA has recently launched a #whatactuariesdo Twitter campaign.
“We are hoping to get people engaged with the profession though the campaign, and the winners of a contest for best ‘tweet’ as chosen by council will be announced very soon,” Morrison said.
Based on responses from more than 2,026 people, of which 1,071 were parents of workers, the survey revealed a user interface (UI) designer had the least clear role, with 86% of people not providing a correct definition of the profession.
See more at: TheActuary
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