Incurred Claims

Incurred claims Incurred Claims is an estimate of the amount of outstanding liabilities for a policy over a given valuation period. It includes all paid claims during the period plus a reasonable estimate of unpaid liabilities. It is calculated by adding paid claims and unpaid claims minus the estimate of unpaid claims at the end of the prior valuation period. …

Loss Ratio

Loss ratio is the ratio of claims incurred by the insurance company to amount of premiums earned by it. Loss Ratio Loss ratio is the ratio that you will find in almost all the sheets and is the most amazing way to quantify the profitability. If someone said to you that the LR is 180%, it means that the LR …

Earned Premium

Earned Premium is important to the company and is of utmost use while calculation of Reserves Earned Premium Earned premium is the premium collected by an insurance company for the portion of a policy that has expired. In other words, the earned premium is what the insured party has paid for a portion of time in which the insurance policy …

Other Reserves

Other Reserves Insurers may also hold catastrophe reserves or other claims equalisation reserves. Catastrophe Reserves Catastrophe Reserves — reserves on a captive’s balance sheet that are for paying neither known nor incurred but not reported (IBNR) losses. The ideal would be to build up these catastrophe reserves for the rainy day when they will be needed. We are not learning …

Reserving methods in GI

There are different types of reserving methods for calculation of the liabilities of a General Insurance company. Some of the reserves are required to be stated directly like Unpaid reserves(due but not paid) while some are projected using Run off triangles using different methods. Reserving Methods in General Insurance There are different methods for loss reserving in general insurance. Chain …

Outstanding Reserves

Outstanding Claim Reserves Definition Outstanding claim reserves provision for the estimated amount of claims that have not been settled. It can be interpreted to include only claims that have been reported, or to include all claims not yet settled. These are cash reserves held by insurance companies to cover unpaid claims This is a set aside amount for insurance benefits …

IBNR Reserves

Estimates for outstanding claims reserves are carried out by estimates of individual outstanding claims or by using statistical methods for the totals. Incurred But not Reported (IBNR) Incurred But Not Reported (IBNR) is a type of reserve used as the provision for claims and/or events that have occurred, but claims related to which have not yet been reported to the …

Long-tail classes

A long-tail liability is a type of liability that carries a long settlement period. Long-tail liabilities are likely to result in high incurred but not reported (IBNR) claims, because it may take a long period of time for the claims to be settled. A long-tail liability is a type of liability that carries a long settlement period. Liability insurance claims often involve …

Claim Reporting Delay

When a claim event occurs there will be some time before it is reported or notified to the insurer – this is known as a claim reporting delay. The insurer will incur numerous claims in a calendar year, and each of those claims will have a claim delay. The reporting delay is the time from the event occurrence through to …

Claim Reserves types in GI

There are different types of claim reserves shown in the liabilities of the General Insurance company. Some of the reserves are required to be stated directly like Unpaid reserves(due but not paid) while some are projected using Run off triangles using different methods. Types of claim reserves in GI There are certain types of reserves on the liabilities side also …