Name of the course: B.COM (HONOURS) IN ACTUARIAL SCIENCE FROM DSACTED College: Nagindas Khandwala College (Autonomous), Malad, Mumbai, Maharashtra. This college is one of the few colleges in Mumbai that …
Should you take non-actuarial roles at the start of your actuarial career? – Part 1
Indian Actuarial market has a remarkably high supply of young actuarial professionals, but the same can’t be said for it’s demand. Even after trying for many months, many freshers do not get an actuarial role for which they have studied day and night.
Money Market
The section of financial market, where instruments that have a short term and are highly liquid are traded is called Money Market. It has generally a maturity period of less …
A Guide to CS1 Exam – Actuarial Statistics
The older subject CT3 (Probability and Mathematical Statistics) is now CS1 (Actuarial Statistics) subject under the new curriculum of IFoA and IAI (after 2019). There has not been much change …
Trisha Daftary’s ongoing Actuarial Journey without failure
Trisha Daftary – Journey of 11 Actuarial exams in 7 diets It gives us immense happiness to get an opportunity to interview one of the Aspiring Actuary, who has already …
Application and Challenges of Machine Learning In Insurance Sector
Data has always played the role of the backbone in the insurance sector. Nowadays the rate of increase in data is greater than the population growth itself. Big companies and …
A Guide to Actuarial Common Entrance Test
A guide to preparing for the Actuarial Common Entrance Test (ACET) The actuarial common entrance test is popularly referred to as ACET. The exam is administered three times per year …
How to Become an Actuary
Anyone with a zest to apply Mathematics and Statistics to solve real-world problems can become an Actuary! But wait, there is more to it. Having an analytical bend of mind …
It’s a Great Time to Be an Actuary
Greg Hayward, assistant vice president & actuary at State Farm, manages a group of actuaries and data scientists specializing in predictive analytics. He observes that actuaries are using analytics to help claims adjusters better manage claims, marketing personnel improve the customer’s experience, IT departments manage peak demand cycles, as well as several other areas. Greg has never seen actuaries with analytics skills in higher demand.
7 steps to achieve success in actuarial science
When Chloe Hung got her first job as a fresh actuarial science grad, her pay was RM1,000 (US$235) per month at an administrative bank job that did not even need …
‘Actuarial Science Continues To Be One Of The Most Sought After Profession’
Subhrajit Mukhopadhyay, Chief & Appointed Actuary, Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance speaks with BW Businessworld on the unique challenges facing actuaries, the role of foreign partners in insurance JV’s, and the evolution of actuarial science as a career option in India